Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's only a model!

Recently I've seen some comments about 'fondling' and 'caressing' the Tamiya Mustang kit and 'plastic lust' upon opening the box lid. I find it difficult to relate to someone who makes these comments even if jest. It's just way too geeky, nerdish, socially disfunctional and simply odd.
It's only a model! (which Monty Python film was it?) little bits of plastic that you glue together and paint.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Double or nothing?

Just when I thought it was done and dusted when it comes to what markings I'll use of the Tamiya P-51D kit I see a post on hyperscale that provides another possibility, 'Down for Double'.

The post on Hyperscale included a link to a website Critical Past with a short film clip of 'Down for Double' in flight.

The P-51D is 44-15255 with the 354 FS, 355 FG, coded WR-F flown by 'ace', Lt.Col. Gordon M Graham. Note the 16 kill markings although only 7 were gained in aerial combat the balance on the ground.

Which one to do? perhaps I'll prepare the decals for both.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New AI decal for Tamiya P-51 Mustang

For many of us, the first P-51 Mustang model we built was Airfix's 1/72nd kit with markings for 'Fool's Paradise'. Although Airfix didn't get the markings right or give any detail on the aircraft, it has become something of a quintessential representation of the P-51. 

As many of you already know, Aero Imageworks will  soon release a decal in the 'Mini' series with markings for 'Fool's Paradise' in 1/32nd scale specifically designed for use on Tamiya's new kit. If you are interested in this decal please email me as the more interest, the more likely it is that I'll be able to reduce the price.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tamiya P-51 Mustang

The biggest buzz in the scale model a/c scene since the release of Tamiya's Spitfire in 1/32nd scale is Tamiya's P-51 Mustang in the same scale.

This kit is without doubt the best kit ever produced and actually surpasses the Spitfire. Take a look at the video where one of Tamiya's designers (a Frenchman) describes some of the clever engineering incorporated into the kit.

Tamiya has again shown it is the industry leader with highly accurate and innovative kits but if you take a look at some of the model forums you'd be forgiven for thinking its got insurmountable problems!

There has been talk for example about the rivet detail being too heavy handed and more like the detail seen on Trumpeter's P-40 Tomahawk. Now that the kit has been released we can see that the detail is beautifully done and looks very scale. Some ppl in forums just like to play the fool and complain about a kit even before its been released and they are subsequently always shown to be wrong when we see the kit up close for ourselves.

Speaking of forums ( etc.) they are a wonderful source of information but they do for some reason attract  juvenile behaviour. Only recently I put a couple of 'boys' back in their place (sling 'em to the kerb!)with a low key put-down that they couldn't respond to without making themselves look even more stupid! Thanks to all those who contacted me to say 'thanks' and congratulate me for a 'perfect put-down'.